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Beyond The Curve is founded on one bold belief! An online community can change real lives and impact real outcomes and this is what makes it an intervention. We know it takes a community to move an individual forward, just as we know poor community support takes an individual backwards. But it's only with your comments, pics, and videos that we can build a content of community and inspire these young men to change; while impacting outcomes that have been hurting us for too long. THAT'S OUR GOAL. We know communities save lives so let's intervene and build our community. You can do this by commenting our members on our Blog page, liking us on Facebook, tweeting, as well as sending a pic or short video clip to add to our PROGress Clips & Pics gallery page. This all motivates our young men to stay out of bad situations. It also gives them the community support they never have.

Forward Living... An Evidence-Based Intervention Program

In the framework of our online intervention community, Forward Living program reinforces for public safety by recruiting those men and women over two times more likely to re-offend (those 34 and younger who are serving five years and less) and preventing at least 40% of them from recidivating over three years. By providing our members educational courses in prison, engaging them in volunteerism through the facility, and then linking them to our online mentorship program and intervention community upon release, Forward Living merges systematically reliable methods proven to not only curtail recidivism and impact budget savings but also cultivate the civic virtue, job readiness, and public safety capacity of our members.

  • Lystra Community Member

  • Richard, mentor Forward Living Mentor